A Wiki Database Of Debatable Truths

When preparing yourself for a situation where you will be tested it is good to examine those areas where there might be an absence of knowledge.


Lets say there is this job interview for a position in a new field which you have striven towards for a long time. You are aware of your own limitations and you know there is a lack of experience, so there is a whole lot to learn. You realize that you cannot memorize everything you need to before the first meeting. You want to be adequately prepared for the process of applying for the position. Instead or trying to cram in a lot of specific information before the designated appointment, it might make more sense to just be aware of your weaknesses so you can know what to concentrate on. Then study terminology, quick synapses to get an outline of those areas to review.

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Knowing what you don't know also is about leaning more about yourself. We can learn through other people by noticing how they react to us. A village in New Guinea uses the word Mokita to describe that which is unspoken. This can imply a hidden truth, or a denied truth. Often there are things about ourselves that we suppress, that others talk about, but won't tell us. People will give you subtle clues to the things that they won't express in a social setting. Its like when you have bad breath and no one tells you. You don't realize it until you see a reaction from someone who sniffs or a child tells you. The bluntness of a child trumps all the social morays that we have established. If you want to know the truth about yourself, hang around kids. Some people will become self-conscious of a certain trait they posses if they see it in you. We are mirrors that reflect others, but we can also see others things that remind us of ourselves. On a more subtle basis, the key is to look for the hidden symbolic meaning and using them as insights to know what is unspoken


If you have a deadline sometimes just studying briefly in those areas to understand the terminology, doing a tutorial or reading the chapter heads of a book and just being cognizant of all the places where there might be gaps in your knowledge can be more effective than any other preparatory method. You already know what you don't know and can use KWYDK to see beyond the ego and look for the clues availed in the mysteries of life. As we grow the human consciousness has to recognize the ego and the soul to find the pure truth. Whether truths come in the form of hypothesis, theories or theorems and laws every truth should be debatable. KWYDK is the concept that to be truly wise is to know the areas where you lack knowledge. Recognize the areas of uncertainty to establish veracity of the truth. People talk on different levels of meaning there is the superficial level and the deeper level. The trick is recognizing the difference.

Pay Day

Know What You Don't Know

KWYDK basically means to be aware of the areas where knowledge is lacking. This website is an effort to discover the next great unknown truths through a wiki social consciousness. Throughout our existence each era constructs scientific tenets which help form the societal belief systems of the time. When innovative theoreticians question the pillars supporting the architecture of the current of scientific dogma they can expand the perspective of the community mind. Knocking down the foundations of existing wisdom can also cause defensive reactions because people build their personal world views partially based on intellectual constructs of the world we live in. The above recitation demonstrating evolving ideas is a good example of the concept of KWYDK showing innovators who confront commonly held beliefs to allow all of us to know that which we don't yet know.

At this website you can post new theories, blog about subjects and chat with others to discuss what we don't know. We are the psychosocial products of our belief systems which are based on current scientific theories, religious perspectives and personal philosophies, but to truly know what we don't know means that everything is debatable, and we must be open to searching for that which might still remain outside the currently structured framework that make up our view of what is real.


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